Penn College News

Audio Conference on Learner-Centered Teaching to Be Offered Sept. 28

Monday, August 30, 2004

An audio conference on "Learner-Centered Teaching, presented by Dr. Maryellen Weimer, professor of teachingand learning at Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley, and moderated by iLinc Communications, will be offered from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 28 at College Avenue Labs, Room 104.

The live, interactive audio conference is for faculty, academic-affairs personnel, academic administrators, department chairs, deans, distance-education administrators and staff, and continuing/extension education personnel. The 90-minute program will be followed by a lively, interactive, real-time question-and-answer session.

Participants will:

  • discover new research that documents how students learn
  • explore the instructional implications of what is known about how students learn
  • idenitfy five aspects of instructional practice that inhibit how much & how well students learn
  • learn specific, concrete strategies that can be used to promote learning
  • examine student response to instruction that puts them in charge of their own learning
  • learn to plan and implement learner-centered strategies successfully
  • consider the validity of individual attitudes and institutional barriers that prevent teachers from moving toward learner-centered teaching