Penn College News

School Dean Publishes Paper at Conference in Czech Republic

Monday, August 23, 2004

Dr. Lawrence J. FrydaDr. Lawrence J. Fryda, dean of industrial and engineering technologies at Pennsylvania College of Technology, published a paper recently at the International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, which washeld at Technical University of Ostawa in the Czech Republic.

Dr. Fryda's paper, "Short-term International Student/Faculty Exchange Programs," focused on sharing the lessons he has learned during 12 years of developing short-duration international exchange programs between engineering and engineering-technology programs.

Inthe paper,Fryda advises that three key elements must exist in order to allow many students to participate in the programs. One is that the program must be short in duration, no more than two weeks at a time. Second, the program must be cost-effective. Third, the students must receive academic credit for the experience.

Penn College's School of Industrial and Engineering Technologies offers two opportunities for short-term exchange: in Toluca, Mexico, and Tsuyama, Japan. A third exchange program with a university in Australia is being considered.

Dr. Fryda has successfully started short-term exchange programs for students at three colleges and universities.