Penn College News

Board Gives Consent for Increased Appropriation Request

Friday, August 20, 2004

The Pennsylvania College of Technology Board of Directors on Thursday approved the design for a new library and gave its tentative assent to a proposal by the administration to ask for an increased appropriation from The Pennsylvania State University next year.

Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour asked the Board for a consensus to allow the administration to ask for a 5.56-percent increase in the state appropriation in Penn State's budget submission to the state Legislature.

If the request is approved by Penn State (and, ultimately, the Legislature) Penn College would receive a total appropriation of approximately $12.8 million, Dr. Gilmour said. That would allow the College to keep tuition increases low, maintain its level of technology and provide the necessary support services for a growing enrollment.

"I think it's a good idea," said Board Chairman Dr. Robert E. Dunham.

"I think it's an excellent idea," echoed Board member Dr. John J. Cahir, vice provost and dean for undergraduate education at Penn State.

State Sen. Roger A. Madigan, a member of the Penn College Board, added there is a keen awareness in the Legislature about the pressures associated with rising college tuition costs.

The Board approved the final design for the Roger and Peggy Madigan Library, which will be constructed at the College's main entrance. The 104,000-square-foot facility, named for the senator and his late wife, will be built with the aid of $7 million in state funds.

Groundbreaking ceremonies have been set for Jan. 6, Dr. Gilmour said. She said construction is expected to be completed by July or early August 2006. The number of seats in the library will increase from 200 to 900, and the facility will house a 100-seat open-computer lab, the largest on campus.

The Board heard presentations by Benedict Dubbs of Murray Associates Architects, who exhibited a variety of sketches and building materials, and Julie Brown of Brodart Co.'s furniture division, who displayed various furnishings, carpet and fabrics that will be used throughout the building.

"Great job. I'm pleased with it... overwhelmed," Sen. Madigan said of the design.

"We're very excited about it," Dr. Gilmour told the Board. "If you ask students about it, they can't wait. ... It's been a labor of love. It's been a great project."

In other business, the Board approved the designation of Mairs and Power Inc., based in St. Paul, Minn., and Todd Investment Advisors, based in Louisville, Ky., as managers of College funds. The firms will manage the College?s large cap value investments and provide an increased level of diversification, said Robert M. Fisher, vice president for business affairs.

The Board saw a brief sample of the College's new marketing DVD, which is being mailed to 75,000 prospective students and their families.

Dr. Gilmour told the Board that renovations at the Klump Academic Center are well ahead of schedule, and a "rededication" ceremony for the 90-year-old facility has been scheduled for Dec. 7. She said the October Board meeting may be held in the facility.

The College's four residence-hall facilities are operating at 100-percent occupancy this fall, Dr. Gilmour told the Board.

The Board meeting also featured an awards presentation to two members of the Penn College Police force: Officer William T. Chubb, who was shot and wounded on April 27 while performing his duties, and Sgt. David L. Mauck, who came to Chubb's aid after the shooting.

Chubb, who has recovered from an abdominal wound and returned to full duty, received the Outstanding Commendation Award and the Law Enforcement Purple Heart from the American Police Hall of Fame, Miami, Fla.

Mauck received a Commendation Award from the College for performance above and beyond his normal duties on the night of the shooting.