Penn College News

Policy Changes Announced for Student Organizations

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Several changes regarding student organization eligibility requirements and funding policies have been implemented for this academicyear.After several discussions with students and organization advisers, the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Activities have made some changes in the following areas:

  • Annual recognition requirements
  • Budget allocation process
  • Funding for new initiatives
  • SGA Cup process and prizes

For more information, be sure to check your student organization mailbox in the Office of Student Activities and to attend SGA Meetings, which are held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Penn's Inn, on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center.

Please note: One new requirement is for every student organization to send at least one representative to a Student Organization Workshop, which will be held at several times throughout the week of Sept. 20. Watch your student organization mailbox for more information.

All changes have been made to provide more thorough education to student organizations as well as to increase involvement in student life.