Penn College News

Updated Web Site Reflects Promotional Themes

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Updated Web site more closely incorporates themesPeople using Penn College's Web site will notice some changes beginning today. The updated site now more closely incorporates the College's marketing theme, and is designed to complement the College's family of promotional and informational materials. The most noticeable aspect of the new home page is the focus on students and on "degrees that work."

The Web site was developed and is maintained by the Web Development team within the Office of College Information& Community Relations. Infrastructure support, Web hosting, and Web site help are provided by staff in the Office of Information Technology Services. Comments or questions regarding the College's Web site may be directed to the Web development team.

People wishing to view additional clips from the new marketing DVD, introduced by President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour at Convocation, can view them on the College's Web site . The actual video that was presented at Convocation can be viewed online, as well . The DVD and other recruitment materials will be available in early September in the Office of Admissions, in time for the fall recruiting season.