Penn College News

New Scholarship Aimed at Adults Over 25

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Adults over the age of 25 who are enrolling as full-time students this fall at Pennsylvania College of Technology may be eligible for a new $2,500 annual scholarship. The new Penn College scholarship recognizes the institution's commitment to its nontraditional student population.

To be eligible for consideration for the new scholarship, it is necessary to submit an Application for Admission to Penn College no later than May 1. Eligible applicants must be enrolling for the first time in fall 1999 and must successfully complete the College's placement tests without any deficiencies. They must be 25 or older and have a high school diploma or GED. They also must provide a resume including their employment history and the recommendation of one employer or former employer. In addition, applicants must provide a recommendation from one individual who can verify that they have done voluntary community service work.

College officials expect to select six 1999-2000 scholarship recipients after July 1. Recipients will be named to a special group of adult student ambassadors who will work in the Office of Counseling and Career Services to assist others who are making career and education decisions.

The scholarship is renewable each year the recipient is enrolled, if he or she continues to be enrolled as a full-time student, completes 24 credit hours of study per year, maintains a 3.25 grade-point average and provides 10 hours of service to the College each week.

For more information, contact the Penn College Office of Admissions at (570) 327-4761 or 1-800-367-9222.