Penn College News

Getting That 'Foot in the Door': Career Expo '99 Kicks Off

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

It's that time of year again when graduating college students prepare for the next step. That step is sending out resumes and meeting with potential employers. Pennsylvania College of Technology provides the opportunity to "get that foot in the door" by allowing students to make connections with employers at its annual "Career Expo."

Career Expo '99 will be held Thursday, March 18, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in the College's Bardo Gymnasium. Approximately 75 employers from the region, state, and surrounding states are registered for the event.

The event is designed to give Penn College students a chance to make connections and get their resumes out to perspective employers, says Sharon Waters, director of Counseling and Career Services at Penn College.

"Career Expo provides accessibility for full- and part-time college students whose schedules are busy," Waters noted. Alumni also are encouraged to attend. "The Expo gives alumni an opportunity to come back and see the developments made at the College," she added.

The event, now in its fourth year, is coordinated by Penn College's Office of Counseling and Career Services. The office offers a Web page where students can view a listing of employers who are planning to attend. It provides students with addresses of the employers and what type of employees they are looking to recruit. The web site is updated daily.

The Career Expo also provides the opportunity for students looking for cooperative education (co-op) and internship opportunities.

Students attending the Expo should dress in appropriate business attire, Waters recommends. Among her other suggestions to students attending the event are to do some advance research on the companies they are interested in, bring sufficient copies of resumes, and to be confident.

An employer luncheon before the event also is planned. Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour will provide the welcoming remarks. Following the event, a reception will be held for employers at the gym.