Penn College News

Penn College Faculty Member Invited to Oxford Round Table

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dr. Thomas J. Edward Walker, a professor of history and the social sciences at Pennsylvania College of Technology, has been invited to sit at the Oxford Round Table at the University of Oxford in England next summer. The event will be held Aug. 1-6 at St. Antony's College of the University of Oxford.

Dr. Walker, author of "Pluralistic Fraternity" and "Illusive Identity," took his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is among a group of 40 academic specialists and policy experts from around the world who have been invited to attend the Round Table to discuss recent financial and trade-regulation issues that confront governments and business communities in the United States and the European Union.

The invitations to participate in the Round Table are sent annually to selected persons identified through several screening processes: by nomination, recognized leadership and scholarly qualities. Past participants include ministers of education, state governors from the United States, members of Parliament, executive officers of international corporations, educational administrators and academicians from major universities

Dr. Walker will present a paper on United States/European Union economic policies and their effect on formal and informal systems of learning. The results of the Round Table discussions are published and distributed to government policy-makers and academic libraries worldwide.

For more information about the Oxford Round Table, visit on the Web. For more information about Penn College, visitonline or call toll-free 1-800-367-9222.