Penn College News

Penn College Student's Article Published in 'PDAA News'

Friday, November 14, 2003

It isn't often that a college student has the opportunity to research and write an article for a professional association's publication, but Brooke L. Hutchings, who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Technology Management at Pennsylvania College of Technology, is no ordinary student.

Hutchings, a resident of Beech Creek, Clinton County, co-wrote an article with Clinton County District Attorney Ted McKnight "Underage Drinking Still a Problem" that appeared in the June 2003 issue of "PDAA News," a quarterly publication of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association.

Hutchings, who already has earned associate's degrees in Office Information Systems and Office Technology-Executive Emphasis from the School of Business and Computer Technologies at Penn College, researched and wrote the PDAA article while completing an internship for her Office Technology degree. The internship included work responsibilities at the Clinton County District Attorney's Office and a dental office in Lock Haven.

She also expects to complete a cooperative-education project next summer before graduating with her third Penn College degree in August.

"PDAA News" contains items of interest to association members, legislative updates and a review of noteworthy appellate-court decisions. Hutchings' article in the publication includes a wealth of information about the dangers of underage drinking, how drinking is beginning earlier among youth, and how "binge" drinking has become increasingly prevalent among those ages 12 to 20.

Hutchings' piece also includes information about how alcohol impairs brain function in underage drinkers and how advertising and the entertainment industry play a role in glamorizing alcohol use.

To underscore the danger posed by underage drinking, Hutchings also offers chilling statistics about the number of alcohol-related deaths, injuries, sexual assaults and "date rapes" that occur each year among college students nationwide.

Three years into her studies, Hutchings says the Penn College experience has changed her outlook on work and life.

"I'm more goal-oriented now," she said. "I know where I want to be, and I'm not going to stop until I get there. It's made me focus more on my goals."

To learn more about the Office Information Technology majors and others offered by the School of Business and Computer Technologies at Penn College, call (570) 327-4517, send e-mail or visit on the Web.