Penn College News

Alpha Chi Funds Book Purchase for Children's Learning Center

Monday, November 10, 2003

Students in Pennsylvania College of Technology's chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society will read to youngsters at the College's Children's Learning Center as part of a grant program funded by the national organization.

The Penn College chapter received a $500 grant from Alpha Chi that will be used for the purchase of books for the Children's Learning Center, which provides preschool and academic kindergarten services for children ages 18 months to 7 years.

The Penn College Alpha Chi students will read to the children at the Children's Learning Center throughout the Spring 2004 semester.

According to Dr. Gerald "Chip" Baumgardner and Dr. Irwin Siegel, faculty co-sponsors of Penn College's Alpha Chi chapter, receiving the grant is a tribute to the chapter's success and allows its student members to fulfill their commitment to the community by sharing their time and abilities with the CLC children. The grant also provides materials for use by the center, which, they added, is consistent with Alpha Chi's mission.

Alpha Chi is a general honor society for bachelor-degree students from all academic disciplines.

Membership is limited to the top 10 percent of an institution's junior and senior classes. Some 300 chapters, located in almost every state and in Puerto Rico, induct more than 11,000 members annually.

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