Penn College News

Employee Contributions to Annual Fund Set Record

Friday, January 10, 2003

Pennsylvania College of Technology employees have set a record for giving to the Annual Fund Employee Campaign, shattering the old mark set just last year.

"When we kicked off the 2002-03 campaign last May, we set a goal of raising $45,000 in donations from employees," says Annual Giving Officer Jim Finkler. "As of Wednesday morning, gifts and pledges from employees totaled $50,587!"

"That's a great accomplishment," he says, "especially considering that it's an increase of almost $9,000 over the last campaign, and an increase of more than $17,000 from just two years ago." He notes that the $50,000 mark was surpassed with almost four months left in the campaign. Finkler adds that, so far, 251 Penn College individual employees, plus one group of employees, are donating to the 2002-03 Annual Fund.

"Those gifts will help scores, if not hundreds, of students, and that is a direct reflection of the strong commitment of Penn College's faculty and staff to making sure our students succeed."

Faculty and staff are making gifts to dozens of scholarship funds in the College's portfolio, such as the Russell M. Trapp Memorial Scholarship and the Cunningham Family Scholarship, as well as gifts to support the various academic schools and instructional support areas. Many employees are also making "unrestricted" gifts, which are used to help students through scholarships and other initiatives.

Employees can make an outright gift to the Penn College Annual Fund, or they can use the convenient payroll deduction. Any employee interested in making a gift to the 2002-03 Annual Fund Employee Campaign can go online, click on "Penn College Employees' Giving Program," print and fill out the form, and send it to the Foundation Office at DIF 65. If you have any questions, e-mail or call the Foundation Office at Ext. 7480.