Penn College News

CARE Campaign for Considerate Tobacco Use Begins at College

Thursday, November 21, 2002

(The following message from Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Penn College president, was distributed College-wide for this week's kickoff of the CARE campaign.)

At the beginning of the semester, Penn College undertook a new initiative to look at the issue of smoking on campus. Creating a Respectful Environment was established to provide a way for all members of the campus community to share equally in the responsibility for ensuring that we show consideration for everyone, especially as it relates to the use of tobacco.

After a great deal of work from the Office of College Information & Community Relations, General Services, Student Affairs and special members of the CARE Committee, it gives me great pleasure to announce some of the small steps we will be taking on campus to assist people in CAREing.

  • We have established Smoke-Free Zones on various parts of campus to help remind people where they should and should not smoke.

  • We have created a regular announcement that informs and reminds all members of the campus community about our smoking policy, our designated smoking areas on-campus, and the locations of nonsmoking entrances to buildings.

  • We are continuing to improve the facilities in our designated smoking areas by expanding seating areas, purchasing newer styles of ashtrays and relocating existing ashtrays out of designated Smoke-Free Zones.

  • We are providing, FREE to students and employees, smoking-cessation programs for those who wish to quit smoking.

We believe that these are small changes that will have a huge impact on our campus environment. It is important to note that these are not new policies or rules, but rather steps to help educate members of the campus community on what our existing policies are.

The CARE initiative is one that is always working to improve Penn College, and, therefore, we are very interested in hearing your feedback and ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact Student Affairs at Ext. 7487 if you have input.

Thank you, and please remember that people who CARE really make a difference.