Penn College News

Student Information System Search Feature Announced

Monday, October 14, 2002

Acting on a recommendation from the Student Government Association, Information Technology Services and the Office of the Registrar have developed a student-directory search feature for the online Student Information System.

After signing on to SIS, students soon will see an option to search a Web student directory by last name, first name, e-mail address or major. Search results will return student's full name, address, telephone, major and e-mail address. This new feature will make it much easier for students to find friends, classmates, project partners and other students in their major. It's important to note that this option will be available only after logging into SIS; this directory search will NOT be available through the general Web site.

Students uncomfortable with having such information available can use another new SIS feature to block it from the online directory. After logging in, they can select the Update Student Directory Information option, then check the "Do not show ANY of my information on the Web Directory" box.

The new system will go live Oct. 28. Students who do not want to have their directory information available should log into SIS and block their names from the system before then.

Questions about the new system can be directed to ITS (Ext. 7329) or the Registrar's Office (Ext. 7498).