Penn College News

College Presents Distinguished Staff, Part-Time Teaching Awards

Friday, May 17, 2002

Pennsylvania College of Technology recently presented "Distinguished Staff" and "Part-Time Teaching Excellence" awards, while also honoring retirees and the newest members of the College's "Quarter-Century Club."

The honors were bestowed May 16 at an Employee Recognition Week Reception held at Penn's Inn in the Bush Campus Center.

The Distinguished Staff Awards, now in their seventh year, recognize the contributions of Penn College's full-time employees, who are nominated for the honor by their peers. Awards were presented to one employee from each of the College's three staff classifications: Administrative, Professional and Technical; Classified; and Service.

J. Elliott Strickland Jr., director of student activities, received the Distinguished Staff Award for APT employees. Arlene Deppen, secretary to the dean of integrated studies, received the Distinguished Staff Award for Classified employees. Bernard A. Kahn IV, toolroom/lumberyard attendant and carpenter, received the Distinguished Staff Award for Service employees.

The Part-Time Teaching Excellence Awards went to James M. Pagana, instructor of geology; and Leita Faye Clark, instructor of occupational therapy assistant.

Strickland began at Penn College in July 1997 as coordinator of student life. He became director of student activities in September 1997.

The principal nominator wrote this about Strickland's qualifications: "He has brought innovative ideas to the College and has worked hard to implement each one of them. Elliott is totally devoted to our students and devotes countless hours to fostering the mission goals and objectives of Penn College. He works extraordinarily well with our students and serves as a role model by adopting and maintaining the highest ethical standards."

Deppen, an alumna of Penn College predecessor institution Williamsport Technical Institute, was secretary to the dean of applied arts and sciences from 1965-70 at Williamsport Area Community College, another Penn College predecessor . From 1982-84, she served as a part-time secretary in business and computer science. Since 1984, she has been full-time secretary to the division director of integrated studies, secretary to the assistant dean of Integrated Studies and secretary to the dean of integrated studies.

The principal nominator for Deppen wrote this of her abilities: "We all know that at any institution, the value of clerical staff is inestimable. In my experience, all the secretaries at Penn College are exceptional. However, I believe that Arlene ranks among the best of the best. I can no longer stand the guilt I feel over not having nominated her over the past years."

Kahn started at Penn College in January 1998 as a part-time instructor. He began his full-time position as toolroom/lumberyard attendant and carpenter in the School of Construction and Design Technologies in August 1998.

Kahn's principal nominator wrote this about his job performance: "Barney is a joy to work with. He is always pleasant and willing to take care of our needs. ... Barney will do anything in his power to help you. Barney is extremely knowledgeable in the trade area. This makes our job much easier."

Pagana, a teacher at Curtin Middle School in the Williamsport Area School District since 1971, has been an adjunct instructor of geology/geography at the College since 1974.

A student nominator wrote of Pagana's teaching abilities: "There is a distinct reason why my knowledge of these two subjects (geology/geography) will be in my mind forever, through the ravages of time. Information in a class can be presented in glimpses or with a wholesome understanding. He's done just that."

Clark, who is employed at ManorCare Health Services Centers, North and South, Jersey Shore, has been an adjunct faculty member at Penn College since 1998.

Of Clark's teaching abilities, a student nominator wrote: "Over the past year, I have come to admire her individuality and fierce dedication, both to the occupational therapy profession and to her students. ... Leita has a straightforward approach to patient care, coupled with a depth of compassion and wit. I believe these qualities are central to her success as a teacher and role model for future health-care professionals."

Quarter-Century Club members honored at the Employee Recognition Reception are: Lawrence W. Emery Jr., counselor/instructor; Beatrice E. Hilliard, secretary to the associate vice president of academic affairs; Linda M. Morris, director of human resources: employment/equal employment opportunity; and Melvin Keith Wynn, assistant professor of electrical technology/occupations.

Retiring employees honored at the reception are: Alex Bailey, professor of business administration; Franklin P. Beatty III, associate professor of plumbing and heating; Rosemary Clokey, secretary to the assistant dean of integrated studies; Carl M. Hillyard, instructor of building construction technology; Dale A. Metzker, associate professor of printing and publishing; Minnie Pantano, food services worker; Florence A. Sayman, student loan clerk; Ronald E. Thompson, professor of biology; and Harold Urich, North Campus custodian.