Penn College News

Computer Services Reorganized Under More Applicable Name

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

(The following is the text of a memorandum from Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Pennsylvania College of Technology president, announcing the restructuring and reflective name change in the College's Computer Services department.)

After considerable examination, outside institutional benchmarking and careful review of functions and responsibilities, I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Computer Services will be known as Information Technology Services at Penn College.

As part of an ongoing effort to enhance the services and support provided to the College community and more clearly communicate its mission, Computer Services is reorganizing its department structure and changing its name. As part of this reorganization, Media Services (Joe Miller and Pat Petrozzo) has been transferred from Instructional Technology/Distance Learning to the new ITS department.

The ITS reorganization involves the creation of some new service areas and a realignment in the functions of others. ITS now will be organized into seven areas with senior leadership and management positions held by Jim Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer; and Mike Cunningham, Chief Information Officer. One of the key changes in this restructuring is the creation of the Desktop Computing area. This area will be responsible for all desktop PC services provided by ITS, including a single Help Desk for both computer and media problems.

The seven areas within ITS are:

Management Information Services Randy Monroe, director responsible for the Administrative Information System and AS/400.

Desktop Computing Ron Miller, director responsible for desktop computers in administrative and faculty offices and academic computer labs.

Network Applications Mike Rae, manager responsible for network servers and network applications.

Telecommunications Dave Kepner, manager responsible for campuswide telephone, network and video infrastructure.

Web Design Judy Fink, coordinator responsible for all aspects of the College Web site.

Mail and Document Services Judy Winder, manager responsible for mail operations, convenience and high-speed copying and duplicating.

Media Services Joe Miller, instructional media specialist responsible for classroom projection, video and audio and special event media needs.

Additional details concerning the transition of Media Services to ITS and the division of duties and responsibilities between Media Services and IT/DL will be sent out later by ITS and IT/DL.

As Computer Services, the department developed an advanced information technology infrastructure and provided a wide range of information technology services to staff, faculty and students. As ITS, the department will be positioned to enhance and expand these services and to ensure the College's information technology environment meets the needs and supports the goals of the College community.