Penn College News

Penn College Combines Scholarship Reception, Pastry Showcase

Monday, May 13, 2002

Pennsylvania College of Technology and student scholarship recipients said "thank you" recently to those who have established Penn College scholarships. The occasion was a reception that, for the first time, combined the scholarship event with a year-end showcase presented by students in the Baking and Pastry Arts major.

"The Pastry Buffet Showcase and Reception for Scholarship Donors and Student Scholarship Recipients" was held May 10 at the College. The event began with a preview of the Pastry Buffet Showcase for the parents of the Baking and Pastry Arts students, attended by Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour and Penn College Board Chairman Dr. Robert E. Dunham.

The preview was followed by a reception in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant (the practical laboratory for culinary students in Penn College's School of Hospitality) for the students' parents, also attended by Dr. Gilmour and Dr. Dunham.

The Reception for Scholarship Donors and Student Scholarship Recipients, which followed afterward in the Thompson Professional Development Center, gave student scholarship recipients a chance to meet and thank the individuals or representatives of companies, foundations and families who established the scholarships.

Speakers included Dr. Gilmour; Lee R. Gable, a scholarship recipient and Construction Management major from Kylertown who will also speak at the May 18 commencement ceremonies; Barry R. Stiger, vice president for institutional advancement at Penn College; and Ann Marie Phillips, a member of the Penn College Foundation Board.

"The scholarship donor reception and pastry buffet was a great opportunity for Penn College students to meet and personally thank the donors who made their scholarships possible," Stiger said. "In addition, our Pastry and Baking Arts students gained the hands-on experience of planning, organizing and producing an exceptional pastry buffet showcase enjoyed by all in attendance."

The Baking and Pastry Arts students who prepared the buffet are: Missy K. Arner, Hatfield; Nicole A. Beagle, Millville; Zora R. Gelnett, Paxtonville; Sarah E. Hoch, Fleetwood; Bethany D. Lane, Denver; Kristin N. Lattanze, Reading; Kimberly H. Le, Williamsport; Patty S. Martin, Milton; Joanna R. McCarty, Newville; Elizabeth J. Mikaliunas, Topton; Shauna B. Murphy, Willington, Conn.; Jill E. Slocum, Thompson; Jessica A. Snyder, Lewisburg; and Jessica D. Weaver, Marble.

Nearly 100 student scholarships are offered through the Penn College Foundation annually, and some awards are presented to multiple recipients. A total of 132 Penn College students received scholarships for the 2001-02 academic year, totaling $340,369 in awards.

To learn more about establishing a scholarship fund to assist Penn College students, contact: the Penn College Foundation, One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701-5799, or phone (570) 320-8020.