Penn College News

Homecoming King, Queen Crowned at Penn College

Wednesday, February 6, 2002

William C. Brownlee and Katie L. Spoerke have been chosen as the 2002 Homecoming King and Queen at Pennsylvania College of Technology, helping to raise $954 for charity in the process.

Penn College students voted for Homecoming King and Queen by placing money in the jars of their favorite candidates among 23 nominees. The jars were placed at the information desk of the Bush Campus Center.

Brownlee and Spoerke raised the most funds and were named king and queen. The money collected by the nominees will be divided equally between the charities Brownlee and Spoerke have designated.

Brownlee, a Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology major from Jackson Center, was nominated by the Student Ambassadors at Penn College. He selected Habitat for Humanity as his charity.

Spoerke, an Applied Human Services major who resides in Cogan Station, was nominated by the National Residence Hall Honorary. She designated the American Rescue Workers as her charity.