Penn College News

Former Members of Horticulture Club Make $774 Donation

Friday, November 16, 2001

Some Pennsylvania College of Technology alumni who were members of the Horticulture Technicians Association (Horticulture Club) when they attended the College's predecessor institution, Williamsport Area Community College, have donated $774.31 to the student organization.

Julie Hughes (Class of 1986), treasurer for the group and owner-operator of House of Flowers in Hughesville, said the former members raised the funds in hopes of staging a reunion event. When those plans failed to materialize, the alumni decided the best course was to donate the money to the club. She presented a check to College officials at a recent Horticulture Advisory Committee meeting.

Two of the club's faculty advisers, Richard J. Weilminster, professor of horticulture, and Dennis Fink, associate professor of horticulture, said they envision the funds being used for a special project or scholarship purposes, though no decision has been made yet.

The Horticulture Technicians Association at Penn College provides practical experience in the field of horticulture, conducts fund-raising projects, performs community service and sponsors interscholastic competition and social gatherings. It includes students from the Landscape/Nursery Technology and Floral Design/Interior Plantscape majors in the School of Natural Resources Management.

Dr. Mary A. Sullivan, assistant dean of natural resources management, praised the former club members for their donation.

"Many of our alumni were members of clubs and organizations as students," she said. "Obviously, they recognize the positive contributions these clubs make to students, the College and the community. A gift such as this allows us to continue to promote projects and activities that will strengthen the educational experiences of our students."

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