Penn College News

'Take Our Daughters to Work' Day Boosts Girls' Self-Esteem

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

Children may "shadow" their parent or adult mentor on the job and learn more about technology-related career fields when Pennsylvania College of Technology participates in the ninth annual national celebration of "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" on Thursday, April 26.

Morning activities will be specifically targeted for girls ages 10-16. The job-shadowing sessions will follow in the afternoon. In addition, faculty and staff may bring boys/sons and older children to the College for daylong job-shadowing experiences.

A lunch with Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour also will be provided for all children and their parents or adult mentors.

The day's activities begin at 8:30 a.m., when Sharon Waters, director of Career/Academic Support and Counseling will welcome participants. That will be followed at 8:45 a.m. by a presentation on Career Exploration and Nontraditional Career Opportunities, offered by Waters and Henrietta Hadley, coordinator for the New Choices/New Options program. At 9:30 a.m., participants will choose among sessions for Career Exploration (using the computer-based DISCOVER program), Fitness (with Kristi Hammaker, Fitness Center supervisor), Design (with Heidi Mack, supervisor of publications/designer, and Deborah Carter, design assistant) and Outdoor Landscaping (with Andrea Mull, horticulture technician).

At 11 a.m., participants will choose between sessions on Computer-Aided Drafting (with Katherine Walker, instructor of drafting and CAD Technology), and Chemistry (with Kelly Butzler, instructor of chemistry).

After lunch, which runs from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m., the job-shadowing experiences will commence. With the exception of the job-shadowing, all of the day's activities will take place in the Bush Campus Center at Penn College.

For more information about the "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" initiative, visit on the Web. "Take Our Daughters to Work" is sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for Women.