Penn College News

Informational Sessions Scheduled for New MIS Major

Sunday, March 25, 2001

To acquaint prospective students with the new Management Information Systems bachelor-degree major being offered this fall at Pennsylvania College of Technology, informational sessions have been scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, and Thursday, March 29.

Both meetings will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Room E256 of the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center at Penn College.

The MIS program, which will be offered for the first time this fall, offers both management and computer science course work to prepare students for positions in business, government and nonprofit organizations. MIS is a rapidly growing field offering excellent employment opportunities for those interested in helping organizations develop and manage their information needs.

At the two informational meetings, the faculty who will teach the MIS courses will be available to answer questions, help students understand MIS and the jobs available in the field and discuss the courses that constitute the new major.

The MIS faculty members are Dr. Robert B. Gudgel, assistant professor of business administration/human resources management; Allen K. Henry, associate professor of computer science; Anthony L. Nieli, assistant professor of computer science; Charles J. Russo, associate professor of business administration/accounting; Nicholas A. Vonada, assistant professor of computer science; and Dr. Dennis R. Williams, associate professor of business administration.

For more information, call the School of Business and Computer Technologies at Penn College at (570) 327-4517.