Penn College News

International Week Provides 'Passport to the World'

Friday, March 9, 2001

Prepare for a ride around the world as Pennsylvania College of Technology celebrates International Week, March 25-31.

Participants will gain a global perspective and an appreciation of other cultures through a variety of events and activities.

The theme for the weeklong celebration, sponsored by the International Programs Office at Penn College, is "Passport to the World." The lineup of events includes everything from an International Bazaar to an indoor-soccer tournament.

The festivities begin on Sunday, March 25, with an international film at 8 p.m. in Penn's Inn on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center.

On Tuesday, March 27, there will be an international-storytelling session for children at 11 a.m. in Penn's Inn. From noon to 1 p.m., Chef Paul Mach, assistant professor of food and hospitality management/culinary arts and co-host of Penn College's "You're the Chef" PBS cooking series, will offer an international cooking demonstration in the College Library, located in the Learning Resources Center "International Trivial Pursuit" for student associations is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in Penn's Inn. International Film Anime is on tap for 8 p.m. at Penn's Inn.

An International Bazaar is the highlight for Wednesday, March 28. The bazaar will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Bush Campus Center and Penn's Inn. Features include international cuisine, cultural exhibits and entertainment provided by international students and members of the community. There will be exhibits on Antigua, Botswana, China, Germany, Honduras, India, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Niger, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Zambia. Presentations will be offered on Australia, China, Germany, Japan and Lithuania. The International Student Association and the African Student Association will present an International Fashion Show, and the Dessert class from the School of Hospitality, led by Suzann L. Major, assistant professor of food and hospitality management/culinary arts, will showcase international treats.

On Thursday, March 29, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Room A121 of the Lifelong Education Center, faculty will address several study-abroad programs that Penn College will offer next year. An international movie will be shown from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Klump Academic Center.

On Friday, March 30, David A. London, associate professor of speech communication/composition, will moderate an Intercultural Panel Discussion on communication in various cultures. The event will be held at 9 a.m. in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium.

On Saturday, March 31, an indoor-soccer tournament featuring teams from nearby colleges will take place all day at Bardo Gymnasium.

Throughout the week, the College's fine-dining restaurant, Le Jeune Chef, will feature a special international menu, and other Food Service facilities − the Susquehanna Room, the Bistro and the International Cafe will offer international specials. Raffle tickets will be sold for dinners at Le Jeune Chef and local restaurants.

At the College Library, 20 works created by children around the world will be displayed, along with a "Kids-to-Kids" exhibit of children's books with artwork by international children in grades 6-8. A world map illustrating where Penn College students, faculty and staff have lived and/or visited also will be displayed.

The public is welcome to attend events during the week. For more information about International Week at Penn College, call the International Programs office at (570) 320-5257.