Penn College News

Florence Putterman Lithographs Donated to College

Thursday, October 26, 2000

Renowned artist Florence Putterman of Selinsgrove has donated eight lithographs worth nearly $5,000 to Pennsylvania College of Technology.

The works, provided by the Florence Putterman Foundation of Sarasota, FL, are valued at $4,800 and are monotypes based on the ancient petroglyphs of the Anasazi, pre-Columbian Native Americans who lived in the "Four Corners" area of the Southwest United States (where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet). The lithographs will be used for educational purposes.

Putterman, who earned a master's degree from The Pennsylvania State University and who also is a graduate of New York and Bucknell universities, won a National Endowment grant to do the large-scale, on-site monotypes.

She is a frequent visitor to Penn College and previously participated in the College's "Art on Campus" initiative. Putterman's work "Cryptic Tidings," an acrylic painting with sand and crushed shells, was among the art acquired by Penn College for the inaugural year of "Art on Campus."

"The addition of these lithographs to the permanent collection will allow us to integrate exciting, contemporary works into the program," said Fred Gilmour, assistant professor in the Advertising Art department and chairman of the "Art on Campus" initiative at Penn College. "The fact that Florence has so graciously donated them to the College is certainly a plus, since such pieces are difficult and expensive to obtain."