Penn College News

Honor Society to Buy Books, Read Stories for Children's Center

Tuesday, October 24, 2000

Student storytellers − members of the Pennsylvania College of Technology chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society −will acquire $500 worth of books for The Children's Learning Center at Penn College and read to children there as part of a project taking place this semester.

The national office of Alpha Chi is providing $250, and the Penn College (Pennsylvania Xi) chapter of the organization will match that grant amount to purchase large-size storybooks for the Children's Learning Center, which provides day care and early-childhood education for the children of students, faculty and staff.

Each Alpha Chi member at Penn College will spend at least one hour reading to the children to satisfy the requirements of the grant program.

"The book-purchasing and reading grant is a win-win situation for the students and toddlers," said Gerald D. "Chip" Baumgardner, associate professor of business administration and co-adviser of the Penn College Alphi Chi chapter with Irwin H. Siegel, assistant professor of business administration/business law. "I'm sure we will gain a lot from our experience."

Founded in Texas in 1922, Alpha Chi is a national honor society for baccalaureate students at accredited colleges and universities. Its purpose is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students, and to honor those who achieve such distinction.

Membership at each institution is limited to the top 10 percent of the junior and senior classes. Active chapters are found on approximately 300 campuses in 45 states and Puerto Rico.