Penn College News

College Donates Computers to School, Museum

Monday, October 23, 2000

Pennsylvania College of Technology is donating a total of eight computers to a school and a museum in the Williamsport area.

The College, through its Computer Services office, will donate six computers to St. Boniface School for use in its classrooms.

Two Macintosh computers from the College's Graphic Arts department are being donated to the Lycoming County Historical Society and Museum for use in accessing the D. Vincent Smith photography collection.

Penn College students worked with the Historical Society to digitize the photography collection over the summer. The donated computers will allow researchers at the museum to access the collection.

"We are delighted that this equipment will be put to good use within the local community," said Penn College President Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour. "The two institutions receiving these computers will utilize them for commendable purposes − educating children and assisting historical research."