Penn College News

'Anything Goes' at 202 Gallery

Thursday, August 31, 2000

"Anything Goes," an exhibition featuring fine-art quilts by the High Fiber Art Quilters, will be presented Sept. 12-29 at Pennsylvania College of Technology's 202 Gallery.

The show will include works by Beth Aten, Joan Collins, Fran MacEachren, Ricki Maietta, Deb Porter, Paula Swett and Nancy Vanderlin.

Patrons may view the art from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, and a "meet the artists" reception (with light refreshments) is scheduled from 7 to 9:30 p.m. that evening. At the reception, the quilters will provide a short description of their works and the techniques they used to craft the pieces.

Viewing hours for the exhibition are by appointment only. Appointments for three or more people will be taken no fewer than two days in advance of the requested time. For an appointment, call Cindy Westbrook at 326-3761, ext. 7491.

The 202 Gallery is at the south end of the Bush Campus Center at Penn College.