Penn College News

Team Wins Measurement-and-Control Competition

Tuesday, April 25, 2000

A team of students from Pennsylvania College of Technology won a recent district competition sponsored by the ISA, the international society for measurement and control.

The students' winning performance at the competition, which was held at Research Triangle Park, N.C, enables them to participate in the international ISA event, which will be held Monday, Aug. 21, in New Orleans.

This is the third time that the Penn College team has won the district competition, said Perry R. Gotschal, assistant professor of electronics at the College. Assisting the students, in addition to Gotschal, was Randall L. Moser, instructor of electronics, who serves as the team's adviser.

The district event featured a "College Bowl" type question-and-answer format; the international competition will add a hands-on component, Gotschal said.

Students on the Penn College team and their majors are: Robert Beck, Electronics Engineering Technology, Erie; Robert N. Brown, Industrial Process Control, Rome; Jason Castillo, Electronics Engineering Technology, Reading; Bruce A. Pawling, Computer-Automation Maintenance Emphasis/Electronic Technology, Muncy Valley; and Kristy L. Waite, Industrial Process Control, Chandlers Valley.

The ISA is an international, nonprofit educational organization that fosters advancement in the theory, design, manufacture and use of instruments, computers and systems for measurement and control.