Penn College News

Lecturer to Address 'Sex Under the Influence'

Wednesday, March 1, 2000

Joel Goldman traces many of the questionable behaviors that led to his becoming infected with the AIDS virus to his self-indulgent college days. Now, the accomplished speaker hopes to help others avoid the pitfalls that he could not.

Goldman will speak Tuesday, March 14, at Pennsylvania College of Technology as part of the Spring Lecture Series offered by the Student Activities Office. His program, "Sex Under the Influence," begins at 8 p.m. at Penn's Inn in the Bush Campus Center. The event is free and open to the public.

The program includes Goldman's personal experiences and observations, interactive exercises and video clips to illustrate for students how sexual decisions made under the influence of alcohol can dramatically alter the course of their lives and the lives of their friends and loved ones.

Goldman is a past national president of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. For his work in AIDS prevention, he has received top national honors from the National Interfraternity Conference, the Association of Fraternity Advisors and the Ryan White Foundation. Since 1993, Goldman has spoken to some 700,000 students nationwide.