Penn College News

Penn College Students Place Third in National Competition

Monday, January 24, 2000

Four students from Pennsylvania College of Technology's School of Construction and Design Technologies placed third recently in the National Association of Home Builders college competition, held in Dallas.

The students, who represented the College and the student chapter of the National Association of Home Builders, are: Jarod A.K. Ambrosino, cabinetmaking and millwork, Kingston; Daniel P. Mohney II, architectural technology, Brookville; Joseph Rybnick III, construction management, Williamsport; and Brian E. Schneider, building construction technology, Churchville.

"We are, of course, very pleased and proud of these fine young men and recognize their hard work, diligence and long hours it took to put together their presentation," said Donald L. Belles, interim dean of the School of Construction and Design Technologies.

Belles also praised the faculty member who accompanied the students to Dallas, Richard L. Druckenmiller, Building Construction Technology, who is the adviser for the student chapter of the NAHB and a member of the Pennsylvania Home Builders Education Committee.