Penn College News

Penn College Event Examines China After Tiananmen Square

Saturday, January 15, 2000

U.S.-China business relations in the aftermath of the June 4, 1989, student revolt in Tiananmen Square will be the topic of a Focus Semester program at Pennsylvania College of Technology on Thursday, Jan. 27.

In this initial program of the series, scheduled for 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Penn's Inn in the Bush Campus Center, Dr. Dennis R. Williams, associate professor of business administration at Penn College, will present information and show slides from his visit to the country.

Williams will explore why the United States continues to do business with China, despite fundamental differences in philosophy, and whether the Chinese people would rather do business with America or Japan. Williams also will address the volume of business we do with China, and he will highlight the need for labor-intensive jobs in the Chinese economic structure. Additionally, Williams will offer personal observations about the Chinese people and the current environment in the country.

The theme of the Spring 2000 Focus Semester is Global Connections. All events are free and open to the public.