Penn College News

College President Extends Sympathy, Affirms Campus Safety

Friday, November 19, 1999

Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, president of Pennsylvania College of Technology, issued the following statement in the aftermath of last week's death of a former student:

"It would be easy, in the fenced-off world of a college campus, to feel isolated and insulated from the larger community that surrounds us. That is not the case at Pennsylvania College of Technology, where we share in broader civic triumphs and grieve in personal neighborhood tragedies.

"Last week's fatal shooting of Kristopher C. Harris in an off-campus apartment is among such sorrows, an occurrence outside our control but certainly within our thoughts. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends, and reaffirm our offer of emotional support through Counseling and Career Services to anyone in need.

"I have been in contact with Mayor Steven W. Cappelli, and the Penn College Police department is in regular communication with the Williamsport Bureau of Police.

"The mayor has instituted a 'Strike Force' because of difficulties in the areas surrounding campus, and we have seen evidence of that initiative since Friday. We, too, will enhance our police presence, on and around campus. Police routines and schedules will be modified accordingly.

"Our students, faculty and staff are reminded to do their part: travel in pairs, take well-lighted routes between buildings, and use caution in walking from buildings to parking lots.

"As is common in the aftermath of a tragedy on or near campus, questions of safety arise. We want to remind members of the College community that our record is excellent. While we are grateful for that reputation, the College will evaluate ways to continuously improve campus security."