Penn College News

Penn College Faculty Attain Promotions, Sabbaticals

Saturday, April 17, 1999

At Pennsylvania College of Technology's Board of Directors meeting, April 8, promotions in faculty rank were announced for the following full-time faculty members, effective the beginning of the 1999-2000 academic year:

Debra Buckman, environmental technology, instructor to assistant professor; Mary Jo Cosgrove-Saxe, dental hygiene, assistant professor to associate professor; Kevin Derr, Esq., legal assistant, associate professor to professor; Dorothy Gerring, architecture, assistant professor to associate professor; Dr. Reza Kamali, computer science, assistant professor to associate professor; Walter Landen, Esq., legal assistant, associate professor to professor; Karen Martin, medical/surgical nursing, assistant professor to associate professor; Janet McMahon, practical nursing, assistant professor to associate professor; Charles Russo, business administration/accounting, assistant professor to associate professor; Pamela Schappert, maternal/child health nursing, assistant professor to associate professor; Dr. Mark Snyder, printing and publishing technology, assistant professor to associate professor; Jane Trapp, physician assistant, instructor to assistant professor; Calvetta Walker, reading, instructor to assistant professor, and Dr. Daniel Wilson, printing and publishing technology, assistant professor to associate professor.

Additionally, Jane Donovan, interim director of nursing, moves from assistant professor to associate professor rank. Mike Covone, clinical supervisor, radiography, gains faculty ranking as an assistant professor, and Esther Klinger, interim director of physician assistant, attains faculty ranking as an associate professor.

The following sabbaticals also were announced: Sandra Lakey, associate professor, English, will take a sabbatical for the Fall 1999 semester, and Stanley Boler, associate professor, electronics, will take a sabbatical for the Spring 2000 semester. Both will be working on professional development.