Penn College News

Microsoft Rep to Discuss 'Internet Lifestyle' at Penn College

Monday, February 8, 1999

A top designer with Microsoft will visit Pennsylvania College of Technology to discuss life in "cyberspace."

Robin Avni, training manager for design and the Internet for Microsoft Technical Education Group, will be the featured speaker at "From Geek to Chic: The Emergence of the Internet Lifestyle," Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 7 p.m., in Penn College's Academic Center Auditorium.

The presentation, part of the College's Professional Development Colloquium Series, is free and open to the public.

Avni will also be available for an open question-and-answer session from 3-4:30 p.m. in Lifelong Education Center, RoomA122 (near the Susquehanna Room the College's cafeteria). She will spend the earlier part of the day visiting classes to give students the opportunity to ask questions about computers, the Internet, software, graphic design, technical writing and other areas of interest.

Prior to her current position with Microsoft Corp., Avni was the design lead for Windows 98, Plus Pak 98 and Windows NT5. Before that, she served as the managing design director of The Microsoft Network Creative team. During her MSN tenure, she was the producer/art director for V-Style, a biweekly online lifestyle magazine, and creator of the Breast Cancer Awareness title. She also was lead designer for the MSNBC Decision '96 Web site and the MSNBC News merger announcement.

Before joining Microsoft, Avni worked as art director for Pacific Magazine of The Seattle Times, and, prior to that, was photo editor and deputy design director of The Philadelphia Inquirer. She now lives in Seattle.