Penn College News

Penn College Concluding Fall Semester

Thursday, December 10, 1998

Pennsylvania College of Technology concludes its Fall 1998 semester with winter commencement exercises on Thursday, Dec. 17. Following graduation, the College will close for two weeks beginning the afternoon of Friday, Dec. 18.

The Dec. 17 graduation ceremonies begin at 7 p.m., in the Community Arts Center in downtown Williamsport. A total of 244 students have petitioned to graduate as fall '98 graduates.

The student speaker at winter commencement will be Bradley Most, of Quakertown, a graduate earning a bachelor of science degree in aviation maintenance technology. Commencement remarks will be delivered by Keith Vanderlin, assistant professor of graphic design and recipient of the College's 1998 Master Teacher Award. In addition to diplomas, student awards will be presented at the event. Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, College president, will preside.

The next day, Dec. 18, College staff and faculty will gather for a traditional holiday luncheon, followed by the institution officially closing at 2 p.m. The College will open again on Monday, Jan. 4, to prepare for the Spring '99 semester.

"Drop/add and late registration" day is Wednesday, Jan. 6. Students who have already paid their tuition bill can participate in "drop/add" from noon to 2 p.m.; others are encouraged to attend "late registration" from 2 to 6 p.m. These activities are conducted in the Breuder Advanced Technologyand Health Sciences Center.

Spring '99 Orientation begins Saturday, Jan. 9, with students moving back into their apartments at The Village and Campus View student residence complexes. Students and their families will be welcomed at a ceremony at 1:30 p.m., in Penn's Inn, located in the Bush Campus Center. Various orientation sessions for students and parents will follow.

On Sunday, Jan. 10, students will attend a brunch in the Susquehanna Room, as well as other orientation meetings. The day will conclude with special activities for students in Penn's Inn. Spring '99 classes begin Monday, Jan. 11.