Penn College News

Information Sessions Set at Food Bank, Job Center

Monday, December 7, 1998

Representatives from Pennsylvania College of Technology's New Choices/New Options program will be available to discuss spring workshops and to take registrations at two sites in Wellsboro during December.

On Monday, Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon, Linda Williams, coordinator of the program at Penn College's North Campus, will be at the Wellsboro Food Bank located at the Methodist Church on the corner of Main and Water Streets. On Thursday, Dec. 17, from 10 a.m. to noon, she will host an information session at the Wellsboro Job Center, in the Ames Plaza.

Registrations are currently being taken for the January workshops. Those looking for a job or thinking about obtaining education for a career, will find the services and opportunities provided by New Choices/New Options beneficial.

The six-week workshops, beginning Jan. 18, will begin with a career assessment which will inventory participants' interests, values and current abilities to help point them toward an appropriate career choice. Further assisting the decision-making process will be research on career materials and exposure to various careers through employer panels, information interviews, job shadowing opportunities and some hands-on experiences.

Participants will learn to develop and present a successful resume and cover letter, will review the correct way to complete an application, and will develop good interviewing skills through class work and practice. In addition, sessions on dealing with difficult people, coping with stress, and goal setting will help prepare workshop attendees for future jobs and/or school.

If interested, contact Williams at the North Campus by calling (717) 724-7703, or by attending one of the information sessions at the Wellsboro Food pantry, Dec. 14 or Job Center, Dec. 17.