Penn College News

Old-school tradition kicks off brand-new month

Friday, December 2, 2022

Midnight Breakfast – a gastronomical (though unscientific) gauge of student success – was held from 10 p.m.-midnight Thursday in the Keystone Dining Room. The free student meal featured a menu of breakfast sandwiches, bacon, home fries, ice cream, a yogurt bar and beverages. Just over 700 attended, served by members of Dining Services, Athletics, Residence Life, Penn College Police and the Office of Student Engagement. Besides eating, students enjoyed "create a creature" stuffed animals and cuddles with real-life fur babies that eased them toward the starting blocks for that Finals Week dash.

– Photos by Noelle B. Bloom, Dining Services’ assistant director
(unless otherwise noted)


 On Comet, on Cupid ... and onward with the yummiest of campus traditions!

On Comet, on Cupid ... and onward with the yummiest of campus traditions!

Friends cherish some moments of serenity before the on-ramp to semester's end.

Friends cherish some moments of serenity before the on-ramp to semester's end.

Full tables and slaked hunger keep the streak alive!

Full tables and slaked hunger keep the streak alive!

Smiles set the mood

Smiles set the mood

Dining Services' Kylie A. Crist (left) and Sara B. Bernier add to the holiday spirit.

Dining Services' Kylie A. Crist (left) and Sara B. Bernier add to the holiday spirit.

Dishing out sustenance and satisfaction are (from foreground to back) Gayle M. Kielwein, coordinator of student engagement operations; coaches Chris H. Howard (baseball), Carolyn C. McKeon (volleyball) and Jordan G. Williams (lacrosse); Emma Strickland; and Kelly B. Butzler, chemistry professor and faculty athletic representative.

Dishing out sustenance and satisfaction are (from foreground to back) Gayle M. Kielwein, coordinator of student engagement operations; coaches Chris H. Howard (baseball), Carolyn C. McKeon (volleyball) and Jordan G. Williams (lacrosse); Emma Strickland; and Kelly B. Butzler, chemistry professor and faculty athletic representative.

A brimming template for the late evening's fare

A brimming template for the late evening's fare

Winnie and Indy (shown here) – the reliably winsome golden retrievers of Drew R. Potts, assistant professor of civil engineering technology – make stress disappear with the merest wag of a tail.

Winnie and Indy (shown here) – the reliably winsome golden retrievers of Drew R. Potts, assistant professor of civil engineering technology – make stress disappear with the merest wag of a tail.

Students (joined by their newfound plushy pals) offer signs of approval.

Students (joined by their newfound plushy pals) offer signs of approval.

Clearly happy to serve are (from left) Dining Services' Noelle B. Bloom; Scott E. Kennell, director of athletics; Elliott Strickland, vice president for student affairs; and Chris E. Miller, chief of police and director of campus safety. (Photo by Amy S. Lingg, Dining Services' marketing and systems specialist)

Clearly happy to serve are (from left) Dining Services' Noelle B. Bloom; Scott E. Kennell, director of athletics; Elliott Strickland, vice president for student affairs; and Chris E. Miller, chief of police and director of campus safety. (Photo by Amy S. Lingg, Dining Services' marketing and systems specialist)