Penn College News

Kettle corn! Kettle corn! Get yer kettle corn!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

With a nostalgic backdrop behind them and more finals preparation straight ahead, radiography students (from left): Kassie Gelnett, Sarah S. Conrath and Darby L. Lucky break for a snack.Kettle corn, with sides of fruit and muffins ... and some peer-to-peer encouragementDennis M. O’Donnell (left), aviation maintenance technology, and Zachary A. Lawton, business administration: management concentration, stock up for studying.A good sport (befitting the event's goodwill), welding & fabrication engineering technology student Jayna K. Vicary indulges a photographer's "corny" suggestion. The pre-holiday mix of finals and dread was no match for the savory blend of salt and sugar that is kettle corn, served up Tuesday afternoon by another inspired pairing: the Student Government Association and Wildcat Events Board. Students "popped" into the Bush Campus Center for a delicious treat, bagged with best wishes from the two organizations and secured in seasonal red and green. (There were healthy options, as well, along with a gentle "Take some fruit" nudge by well-meaning parental types on the periphery.) The Finals Week Freebies will continue with a tableful of "make-and-take crafts" in the CC Lobby throughout Wednesday.