Penn College News

Giving thanks by giving to others

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A grateful Robin Dadzie (center), senior case manager at AIDS Resource, accepts the club's donation from Cooley and Santana.Fulfilling a community service component of its semester activities, Penn College's One World Club recently collected and donated food to help a local nonprofit fill baskets for its clients over the holidays. "We felt that AIDS Resource was in line with our club’s mission of inclusivity and supporting everyone," said club adviser Rob Cooley, associate professor of anthropology and environmental science, who joined Angelyvette Santana, president, in delivering the items to the 500 W. Third St. agency. "The club's mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space for all members of our Penn College community regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or ability," said Santana, a senior radiography student from Scranton. "We discuss and focus on multicultural/intersectional issues going on in the world or at school, as well as celebrate what makes us all unique – not different."
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