Penn College News

Pennsylvania College of Technology Presidential Search update

Monday, October 25, 2021

State Sen. Gene Yaw, chair of Pennsylvania College of Technology's Presidential Search Committee, provided the campus community with an update of the group's work on Monday.

"I am writing on behalf of the Presidential Search Committee members with an update on our continued progress.

"We are very pleased to report that the search for the college’s next president is progressing well. The Presidential Search Committee recently met and continued its efforts to identify candidates whose backgrounds and experiences seem especially well-matched with the qualities and qualifications established for the search. At this gathering, the search committee considered a robust and diverse pool of applicants and chose to advance a select group of outstanding candidates for confidential preliminary interviews.

"Our search consulting team and I indicated early in the process that the need for confidentiality might be a top priority for leading candidates in our search. Indeed, that remains to be the case. The candidates hold significant positions where they are currently employed. We want to honor their wishes to continue to explore this exceptional opportunity at Penn College with the assurances that their engagement in our search will not become widely known at their home institutions.

"While many institutions choose to conduct their entire presidential search as a closed process, others, like Penn College, want to ensure appropriate opportunities for constituent groups to engage confidentially with the candidates and provide feedback to the Presidential Search Committee. Please be assured that members of the committee are thoughtfully identifying these opportunities for members of our Penn College community, beyond the search committee, to be engaged in the final stage of candidate evaluation slated for later this fall. Additional student, faculty and staff representatives will meet with the finalists and help to shape the consideration of them, while still meeting the privacy wishes of our distinguished group. Moreover, these community members will aid the search committee in championing all that is good and great about Penn College to the candidates.

"Thank you for your continued interest and support. I will provide additional updates as the search moves into its latter stages. Please feel free to reach our search consultant, Jim Sirianni, with any questions."