Penn College News

Concrete class helps GS prep for harsher weather

Monday, October 25, 2021

With an eye toward snow removal, even on a sunny fall day, concrete science widen and improve an SASC sidewalk.Building construction technology instructor Franklin H. Reber Jr. and students were on the job again Monday, furthering their skills in yet another concrete improvement project. With no shortage of on-campus work (and some hospitably cooperative autumn days on which to do it), Reber's class is completing an exposed aggregate sidewalk expansion on the west side of the Student & Administrative Services Center. "The expansion will allow our sidewalk equipment to fit on the walk," said Andrea L. Dildine, General Services' horticulturist/grounds and motorpool manager, "and the aggregate will aid with winter traction." Reber and students will be back in the neighborhood on Wednesday, finishing the nearby north sidewalk at a recently cleared property along West Second Street.