Penn College News

'Bucky' goes off the gridiron, into the studio

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Speicher (center), with "PA live!" co-hosts Bohinski and BiancoPenn College writer/video producer Tom Speicher, whose literary labor of love and friendship finessed a mentor's manuscript into print, was featured in a four-minute segment of WBRE's "PA live!" on Thursday afternoon. Co-hosts Haley Bianco and Christopher Bohinski discussed "Bucky Deacon's Dilemma," a youth football novel written by local sports legend Bill Byham in the 1980s, and revised and recently published by Speicher. The interview touched on the book's winding road to publication, its universal themes (leadership and conflict resolution, among them) and the philanthropic fact that sales benefit the institution's Emergency Scholarship Fund. "I'm very excited about that," Speicher said. "I've worked at Penn College for over 30 years now in various capacities, so it was very important for me that I was able to give back." Recommended for 10- to 14-year-olds, the book is available from Amazon in paperback ($6.99) and Kindle ($3.99) editions.