Penn College News

News Coverage Spotlights Alumni Firefighters

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Matthew J. WatersMatthew J. Waters, who graduated from Penn College in May 2016 with an associate degree in forest technology, was among the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources employees dispatched to fight wildfires in western states this summer. The Selinsgrove resident, who spent nearly two weeks on a crew in Tooele, Utah, was featured in a recent front-page article in The (Sunbury) Daily Item. Waters shared the news in an email to Andrew Bartholomay, assistant professor of forestry, saying, "Just thought this is something cool you can mention to the current students about the different opportunities you have with the Penn College forestry degree." Another forest technology grad Samuel J. Raisch, ’10, one of two alumni profiled in the college magazine for an Alaskan firefight four years ago, was on a Utah crew, as well. His story was shared via the Williamsport Sun-Gazette; The Daily Item article, provided with permission of the newspaper, is available here: The Daily Item