Penn College News

Unified Gamers Raise Hundreds of Dollars for Children's Charity

Monday, November 6, 2017

Co-host Bradley M. Kozuch gives a "two-thumbs-up" review to Saturday's proceedings ...... in which three distinct groups of gamers indulged their singular passion in the service of medical care for children.The Game Development Club hosted a 24-hour, live-stream broadcast from the Bush Campus Center TV Lounge on Saturday to raise money for charity through the Extra Life organization. According to the group's website, "Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play ... in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since itsĀ inceptionĀ in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $30 million for sick and injured kids." Throughout the stream, numerous Penn College students played video and tabletop games for charity. Information technology science-gaming and simulation majors Timothy M. Kainzbauer, of Mifflinburg, and Bradley M. Kozuch, of Lansford, planned, managed and hosted the stream with helpful contributions from other members of the Game Development Club, as well as students from the Gamers' Guild and League of Legends Club. Joining forces for a singular cause, the campus gamers raised a total of $437 for the Geisinger Janet Weis Children's Hospital. Online donations are still being accepted toward the $1,000 goal.
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