Penn College News

Magical Creations Express Nature's Fragility

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An 8-foot circle of acrylic on translucent Plexiglas and sand decorates the gallery floor. Titled “Full Circle,” the work inspired the exhibit’s name.The artist discusses the creative possibilities of Plexiglas. Gallery visitors listen to the artist’s talk.“Passage,” a magical vessel of translucent plexiglas, mylar, acrylic paint and salt, measures 20x72x35 inches.Cool acrylic works offer ideal summer respite inside the gallery walls. An artist’s “lifelong love affair with water – our most precious resource” is seen in the fragile-looking forms flowing throughout The Gallery at Penn College’s exhibit, “Full Circle.” Tuesday night's opening featured a talk by artist Margaret Smithers-Crump, who led visitors on a voyage through her life inspirations and artistic processes. Smithers-Crump grew up on an island in Lake Muskoka in Ontario, Canada, and now resides in Houston. Her “magical creations” utilizing Plexiglas are designed to imply "fragility” and stir awe, as well as ecological concern for and commitment to our natural environments. “Full Circle” runs through June 30. The gallery’s summer hours are 11 a.m. -5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays, and 1-4 p.m. On Sundays. The gallery is closed on Saturdays and Mondays.
First and third photos by Tia G. La, student photographer