Chef Shares Occupational Ups, Downs and All-Around 'Simple' Philosophy

Published 09.12.2014

Business, Arts & Sciences
Baking & Culinary

Vaughn addresses an attentive group culinary arts, baking and pastry arts and hospitality management students in the SASC Presentation Room.Adding a visual aid to his vivid storytelling, Vaughn “toasts” bread.Many students sought to record their visit with the chef.Vaughn’s humorous storytelling accompanies evening talk on “Sustaining Your Career in a Changing Industry.” Award-winning chef, television host and author Ben Vaughn spent the day on campus Wednesday, visiting classes in the School of Business & Hospitality and providing talks to both the public and to students in hospitality-related majors. His afternoon demonstration for students included practical – and frank – lessons from the pitfalls and successes of his own career. An evening lecture in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium, part of the college’s William C. Butler Lecture Series, addressed the need for a nationwide return to “simple food.” During his talk with students, he announced that he is giving one “golden ticket” to a Penn College student to compete at the World Food Championships (for which he is a host) this November in Las Vegas. In the coming weeks, the college will host a competition to determine who it will send to the event.