Penn College News

'Penn College Awards' Presented to 13 Altruistic Students

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thirteen campus leaders were honored at Thursday evening's Penn College Awards banquet at Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, the 17th annual recognition of noteworthy involvement by graduating students.

Penn College Awardees, from left, outside Le Jeune Chef Restaurant: Logan A. Gresock, Ashley M. Stuck, Eric J. Morris, Zachary E. Litchert, Elizabeth R. Mendenhall, Christine M. Reed, Katherine P. Wylezik, Rebecca R. Miller, Brandt D. Hey, Jonathan M. Probst, Jeremy L. Thorne and Brent K. Hey. (Sarah M. Smith was unable to attend.)Any Pennsylvania College of Technology student who will be a May, August or December 2013 graduate and who has been actively involved in campus life, has held a leadership position(s) or who has made a contribution in the area of service to the college and/or community may apply or be nominated.

An alphabetical list of recipients, their hometowns and majors, and an abbreviated summary of their many activities:

Logan A. Gresock
Copley, Ohio
Construction management
Introduced by Shannon L. Skaluba, Student Activities Information Center assistant
Wrestling team (captain, 2011-13, and Most Valuable Wrestler, 2011-12), Penn State Athletic Conference All-Academic Team (2011-13), Student Athlete Advisory Committee (president, 2012-13), Student of the Month (November 2012), two-year member of the Construction Management Association, Student Activities Information Center employee, intramurals, Habitat for Humanity Build-a-Thon, host of Dodgeball Tournament for Hope Enterprises, Walk-It-Out, Dean's List

Brandt D. Hey
Residential construction technology and management: building construction technology concentration
Introduced by Rommel A. Cressman, an electronics and computer engineering technology major from Lansdale
Presidential Student Ambassador, Resident Assistant, Presidential Student Leadership Program, Campus Crusade for Christ (including Men's Bible Study leader and member of Cru's leadership team), Penn College Construction Association and member of the first-place 2011 Residential Construction Management Competition team, represented his major and the School of Construction and Design Technologies in the permanent art display in the Student and Administrative Services Center, collected economic-impact surveys at the 2011 Little League World Series, helped pour concrete for Athletic Field bleachers, Salvation Army, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank (among various community projects)

Brent K. Hey
Residential construction technology and management: building construction technology concentration
Introduced by Matthew C. Helf, Residence Life coordinator
Presidential Student Ambassador, Resident Assistant and Senior RA, recipient of the RA of the Year (2011-12) and Rising Star awards, Penn College Construction Association and member of the first-place 2011 Residential Construction Management Competition team, head of Construction Living-Learning Community, set construction and stage crew for campus drama productions, Campus Crusade for Christ (and head of the Cru audio/visual team), College Judicial Council, Habitat for Humanity, Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, numerous community construction projects

Zachary E. Litchert
Electronics and computer engineering technology
Introduced by Jeffrey B. Weaver, associate professor of electronics
Student Government Association (including service as vice president of finance, senator and chair of the Ad Hoc Parking Committee), Connections Link, IEEE (member and treasurer), Wildcat Events Board, Association for Computing Machinery, Gamers Guild, Homecoming Car Show, Dean's List

Elizabeth G. Verbos (left) and Elizabeth R. Mendenhall share a hug during the awards presentation.Elizabeth R. Mendenhall
Dental hygiene: health policy and administration concentration
Introduced by Elizabeth G. Verbos, coordinator of admissions and enrollment event services
Crossroad Student Ministry, American Sign Language Club (and secretary, 2010-12), Campus Crusade for Christ, Student American Dental Hygienist Association, Presidential Student Ambassador, helped lead Fall 2012 ambassador training weekend, Sealant Saturday, preschool outreach for Dental Health Week, Pillar Society Brunch speaker, dental hygiene mentor, Little League cookout/Grand Slam Parade volunteer, various award-selection committees, Dean's List

Rebecca R. Miller
Graphic communications management
Introduced by her father, Joe, manager of audio/visual services
Alpha Chi National Honor Society (including a term as president), Students Making a Contribution (and vice president), Gamma Epsilon Tau, student representative on the Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee, Alternative Spring Break, Out of the Darkness Walk, No-Starve November food drive, 2012 Homecoming Court, Fall FIESTA, Campus Fest, Walk-It-Out, intramural volleyball, River Walk cleanup, Toys for Tots, Dean's List

Jason K. Eichensehr (left) congratulates Eric J. Morris.Eric J. Morris

Building automation technology
Introduced by Jason K. Eichensehr, Dining Services manager
Wildcat Events Board (including service as chairman and business coordinator), various WEB events, Sigma Nu fraternity (including service as sentinel officer, risk-reduction chair, alumni relations chair, fundraising chair and recorder officer), highest GPA in Sigma Nu chapter, Sigma Nu food drive, Operation Snowflake, River Walk cleanup, Terror at Bowman, Camp Victory service day, Walk-It-Out, Dean's List

Jonathan M. Probst embraces Barbara A. Adzema after her kind remarks about him.Jonathan M. Probst
Allison Park
Residential construction technology and management
Introduced by Barbara A. Adzema, Residence Life secretary, and Marion C. Mowery, Residence Life assistant
Resident Assistant and Senior RA, Rising Star of the Year (2010-11), Student of the Month (December/January 2013), part-time Residence Life student clerk, National Association of Home Builders student chapter, Penn College Construction Association (and related projects), student representative on the Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee

Christine M. Reed
Culinary arts and systems
Introduced by Ashley A. Smith Nicholas, Residence Life coordinator
Student Government Association (and Senator of the Year for 2011-12), Resident Assistant, Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority (including service as chair of the standards and scholarship committees), Welcome Weekend, SGA blanket drive after Hurricane Sandy, Diners Club, School of Hospitality Kentucky Derby trip (2012-13)

Sarah M. Smith
Port Matilda
Legal assistant/paralegal studies
Unable to attend
Penn College Legal Society, Campus Crusade for Christ (and Cru leader), Women's Bible Study, flood cleanup and other initiatives, Jump Start, Awesome Woman Exemplar, Dean's List

Ashley M. Stuck
Applied human services
Introduced by LaRue R. Reese, assistant professor of human services/social science
Student Government Association (and executive vice president, Spring 2010, and senator for the School of Integrated Studies, Fall 2009), Connections Link, College Judicial Council, Student of the Month (October 2011), Student Leader Legacy Scholarship recipient, Awesome Woman Exemplar, Presidential Leadership Program, National Organization for Human Services, ALS Organization, Human Services Mentor (2009-11), Assistive Technology Expo, Student of the Month Committee, Ten Thousand Villages Sale, Habitat for Humanity (among other charitable work), Dean's List

Jeremy L. Thorne
Ornamental horticulture: landscape technology emphasis
Introduced by Christine A. Fink, horticulture faculty
Student Government Association (and vice president of finance), Presidential Student Ambassador, Student of the Month (March 2012), School of Natural Resources Management Advisory Board, Horticulture Club president, hydroculture garden initiative, student member of the Professional Landcare Network and the Pennsylvania Landscape and Nursery Association, PLANET Student Career Days, Alternative Spring Break (among civic projects), Dining Services Committee, Open House, Dean's List

Katherine P. Wylezik
Applied health studies: occupational therapy assistant concentration
Introduced by Katie L. Mackey, coordinator of off-campus living and commuter services; Barbara A. Adzema and Marion C. Mowery
Community Assistant, Student of the Month (March 2013), Off-Campus Housing Organization, Occupational Therapy Assistant Club, Awesome Woman Exemplar, Meals on Wheels, intercollegiate softball, Powder Puff Football, Dean's List

Photos by Whitnie-Rae Mays, student photographer (and 2012 Penn College Award recipient)