Penn College News

Penn College Authorized Provider for Shell Bluebook Orientation

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Marcellus Shale Education & Training Center at Pennsylvania College of Technology is offering a Shell Bluebook Orientation noncredit course.

The MSETC is an authorized provider for the training, which is presented at the Center for Business & Workforce Development on the college's main campus in Williamsport and at the college's North Campus near Wellsboro.

The four-hour safety-awareness orientation instructs students on Shell's systematic approach for meeting and exceeding compliance with the law; management of health, safety and environmental risks; and continuous improvement. The training describes the Shell Golden Rules and the company's 12 Life-Saving Rules.

There is no prerequisite to register for the Shell Bluebook Orientation course, which costs $75. Anyone who works on a Shell site is required to have the training.

The MSETC is a collaboration between Penn College and Penn State Cooperative Extension to provide a wide variety of resources to the community and to the oil and gas industry.

For more information, or to register for the Shell Bluebook Orientation, visit on the Web or call 570-327-4775.

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