Penn College News

Newest Housing Complex Impressively Taking Shape on Campus Landscape

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dauphin Hall draws nearer to fall opening Bustling construction scene Imminent home to more than 250 studentsAmid a countdown to occupancy in the fall semester, work continues on the Dauphin Hall housing complex part of Penn College's Stage X building program on the west side of main campus. Andrew M. Richardson, construction manager, provided this rundown of whirlwind progress on a number of fronts: Exterior masonry continues on the south, east and north; installation of aluminum curtain walls has begun on the west end;Exterior Insulation Finishing Systemwork has begun on the north side and will continue around the building; steel stairs are nearly complete; Otis is finishing the two elevator installations within the building; and remaining portions of the flat, thermoplastic polyolefin roofing are progressing from west to east. Photos by Larry D. Kauffman, digital publishing specialist