Penn College News

Women's Volleyball Team Honors Senior Members

Friday, October 9, 2009

Alyssa M. Covas (9) is joined by her mother, Denise, and Ashley D. Oswald by her parents, Denny and Susan, at midcourt A crowd of more than 200 people watched in Bardo Gymnasium on Thursday night as the Penn College women's volleyball team defeated Penn State Abington and said a tearful "goodbye" to seniors Alyssa M. Covas and Ashley D. Oswald. Covas, of Pottsville, enrolled in the applied health studies: occupational therapy assistant concentration, and Oswald, of Altoona, a dental hygiene student, were joined by family members and introduced by coach Bambi Hawkins. All varsity Wildcat teams including women's volleyball, which defeated Abington 25-4, 25-9 and 25-9 pay tribute to their graduating members duringthe regular season.Photo by Michael S. Fischer, student photographer