Penn College News

Students Again Beneficiaries of Caterpillar, Area Dealerships

Monday, January 12, 2009

Front row, from left%3A Randy Fetterolf, Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co. Inc.%3B Ronald Garber, Ransome CAT%3B James Lloyd, H.O. Penn Machinery Co.%3B Pennsylvania College of Technology President Davie Jane Gilmour%3B and Mary Sullivan, the college's dean of natural resources management. Back row, from left%3A Ron Moser, Ransome CAT%3B Mark Wilkinson, Caterpillar Inc.%3B Gary Shields and Karl Quinn, Alban Tractor Co. Inc.%3B and Brett Reasner, assistant dean of natural resources management.The Caterpillar Foundation and a network of regional dealerships have combined for a $143,500 donation to Pennsylvania College of Technology, which exclusive of equipment and technical support brings to more than $1.6 million the total contribution since the Fall 1994 semester.

"Caterpillar Inc. continues to generously contribute to our students' education through scholarships, sponsorships and donations," said Mary A. Sullivan, dean of natural resources management. "The dealers and the CAT Foundation allow us to continue to do what we do best: provide high-quality technical education to the heavy-equipment technicians of tomorrow. We couldn't ask for a better partnership!"

The latest commitment from the Caterpillar Excellence Fund, delivered during a recent advisory meeting at the college, provides $93,500 for the diesel technology and heavy construction equipment technology majors at the School of Natural Resources Management and $50,000 toward electric power generation technology. (That major is split between the Schneebeli Earth Science Center near Allenwood, home to the college's natural resources majors, and the School of Construction and Design Technologies on main campus.)

This marks the 14th year that Penn College has received money from the fund and its partners: Alban Tractor Co. Inc., Baltimore; Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co. Inc., Harrisburg; H.O. Penn Machinery Co. Inc., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; and Ransome CAT, Bensalem.

"Pennsylvania College of Technology continues to be the premier source for degreed service technicians for Ransome CAT," said Ronald Garber, service administration manager. "Our customers expect nothing but the best in service and communications after repairs from our technicians. Penn College's commitment to excellence and a well-rounded approach to training students are of the utmost importance in order for us to deliver superior service."

Garber also has high marks for the school's Student Success Program, which helps prepare future technicians for real-world experiences in the marketplace by teaching them about acceptable interaction with customers and fellow employees. A free service at the Earth Science Center since the Fall 2001, the SSP is required of all industry-sponsored students and scholarship recipients.

The Caterpillar Foundation contributed $25,000 toward the diesel and heavy equipment majors, matched by a total of $68,500 from the four dealers. The foundation provided an additional $25,000 for electric power generation, supplemented by an equal amount from the dealers.

"All of the programs at Penn College are of the highest caliber; but in particular, we have found the power generation program to be second to none in preparing technicians for entry into the large-engine segment of our business," Garber said.

A regular at the twice-annual Career Fair at the Earth Science Center, he has recruited and sponsored technicians from the college's diesel, heavy construction equipment technology: CAT emphasis and power generation technician majors, as well as from the four-year automotive technology management major.

"Everyone is painfully aware of our current economic conditions, and most of us have been affected," Garber said. "However, Ransome CAT is committed to continuing support of the programs at Penn College as we look to the future and eventual economic upturn. We cannot afford to be unprepared when our customers experience the much-anticipated economic recovery and will once again require more of our service capabilities.

"Penn College will play a very important role in helping us respond to the needs of our customers."

For more information about the programs offered by the School of Natural Resources Management, visit online or call (570) 320-8038. For more about Penn College, visit on the Web, e-mail or call toll-free (800) 367-9222.

For more information about grant-funding opportunities, faculty and staff may contact the Grants and Contracts Office at ext. 7562 or through its Web portal.