Penn College News

Institutional Advancement Office Says 'Thank You' to Employee Donors

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A tableful of student supporters at Institutional Advancement's 'thank you' reception.Employees who have made donations to Penn College over the past 18 months were the guests of honor at a reception in the Thompson Professional Development Center on Monday.

The Institutional Advancement Office hosted the reception to say "Thank you" to employees who have donated to the Annual Fund, the Madigan Library Campaign and other fund-raising initiatives.

"Nearly 400 current employees can take great pride in their charitable support of scholarship funds, academic programs, equipment purchases, The Children's Learning Center and, of course, the new Madigan Library," said Barry R. Stiger, vice president for institutional advancement.

Stiger added that he hopes to make the reception an annual event.

Davie Jane Gilmour, Penn College president, announced at the reception that the Annual Fund Employee Campaign has reached a major milestone: Since the first Employee Campaign in 1994-95, employee gifts to the Annual Fund total more than a half-million dollars.

PDC reception honors donors to Annual Fund, other campaigns, The total of nearly $520,000 includes more than $70,000 in the current Annual Fund Employee Campaign.

Gilmour said that, in recognition of the accomplishment, the plaque honoring Penn College Employees soon will be moved up to the second-highest category on the Donor Wall in the Student and Administrative Services Center.

Gilmour told the audience how grateful she is for their charitable support of the college, noting that the level of employee support demonstrates to alumni, businesses and other potential donors the dedication of Penn College employees to helping students succeed.

( Photos by James F. Finkler, annual giving officer)